Create a Hospital Management System in C Programming


By Faraz -

Learn how to create a Hospital Management System in C programming. Step-by-step guide, code snippets, and easy explanations.



Creating a Hospital Management System (HMS) in C programming is a great way to enhance your coding skills and understand how to manage real-world applications. This project will guide you through building an HMS with an advanced menu interface, where you'll manage patients' records, doctors' information, and appointments.

This step-by-step guide is designed for beginners and intermediate programmers who want to learn how to create a functional and user-friendly system in C. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a complete Hospital Management System that can handle various hospital-related tasks efficiently.

Step-by-Step Guide: Create a Hospital Management System in C Programming

1. Set Up Your Development Environment

  • Install a C Compiler: If you don't have one, download and install a C compiler like GCC (GNU Compiler Collection).
  • Choose an IDE: You can use any Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Code::Blocks, Visual Studio Code, Dev-C++, or even a simple text editor like Notepad++.

2. Structure of the Hospital Management System

The first step is to plan the structure of your system. Our Hospital Management System will have the following features:

  • Patient Management: Add, view, edit, and delete patient records.
  • Doctor Management: Manage doctors’ details.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Schedule, view, and manage appointments.
  • Billing: Generate bills for patients.

3. Defining the Structure and Function prototypes

  • Patient Structure: Define a structure to store patient information such as ID, name, age, gender, and disease.
  • Doctor Structure: Define a structure to store doctor information such as ID, name, specialization, and availability.
  • Appointment Structure: Define a structure to store appointment details like appointment ID, patient ID, doctor ID, and date.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Structure definitions
typedef struct {
    int id;
    char name[100];
    int age;
    char gender;
    char disease[100];
} Patient;

typedef struct {
    int id;
    char name[100];
    char specialty[100];
    int experience;
} Doctor;

typedef struct {
    int id;
    int patientId;
    int doctorId;
    char date[20];
} Appointment;

// Function prototypes
void mainMenu();
void patientManagement();
void doctorManagement();
void appointmentScheduling();
void billingSystem();
void addPatient();
void viewPatients();
void editPatient();
void deletePatient();
void addDoctor();
void viewDoctors();
void editDoctor();
void deleteDoctor();
void scheduleAppointment();
void viewAppointments();
void cancelAppointment();
void generateBill();
void viewBills();

// Global variables
Patient patients[100];
Doctor doctors[50];
Appointment appointments[100];
int patientCount = 0;
int doctorCount = 0;
int appointmentCount = 0;

4. Create the Main Menu Interface

Start by designing the main menu interface. The main menu will allow users to choose between different sections like Patient Management, Doctor Management, Appointment Scheduling, and Billing.

void mainMenu() {
    printf("|      Hospital Management System   |\n");
    printf("|  1. Patient Management            |\n");
    printf("|  2. Doctor Management             |\n");
    printf("|  3. Appointment Scheduling        |\n");
    printf("|  4. Billing                       |\n");
    printf("|  5. Exit                          |\n");
    printf("Enter your choice: ");

5. Implement Patient Management

In the Patient Management section, you will create functions to add, view, edit, and delete patient records.

void addPatient() {
    printf("Enter Patient ID: ");
    scanf("%d", &patients[patientCount].id);
    printf("Enter Patient Name: ");
    scanf("%s", patients[patientCount].name);
    printf("Enter Age: ");
    scanf("%d", &patients[patientCount].age);
    printf("Enter Gender (M/F): ");
    scanf(" %c", &patients[patientCount].gender);
    printf("Enter Disease: ");
    scanf("%s", patients[patientCount].disease);

    printf("Patient added successfully!\n");

void viewPatients() {
    for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++) {
        printf("\nID: %d\n", patients[i].id);
        printf("Name: %s\n", patients[i].name);
        printf("Age: %d\n", patients[i].age);
        printf("Gender: %c\n", patients[i].gender);
        printf("Disease: %s\n", patients[i].disease);

void editPatient() {
    int id, found = -1;
    printf("Enter Patient ID to edit: ");
    scanf("%d", &id);
    for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++) {
        if (patients[i].id == id) {
            found = i;
    if (found != -1) {
        printf("Enter new Name: ");
        scanf("%s", patients[found].name);
        printf("Enter new Age: ");
        scanf("%d", &patients[found].age);
        printf("Enter new Gender (M/F): ");
        scanf(" %c", &patients[found].gender);
        printf("Enter new Disease: ");
        scanf("%s", patients[found].disease);
        printf("Patient updated successfully!\n");
    } else {
        printf("Patient not found!\n");

void deletePatient() {
    int id, found = -1;
    printf("Enter Patient ID to delete: ");
    scanf("%d", &id);
    for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++) {
        if (patients[i].id == id) {
            found = i;
    if (found != -1) {
        for (int i = found; i < patientCount - 1; i++) {
            patients[i] = patients[i + 1];
        printf("Patient deleted successfully!\n");
    } else {
        printf("Patient not found!\n");

Call these functions based on the user’s input from the menu.

void patientManagement() {
    int choice;
    printf("\n--- Patient Management ---\n");
    printf("1. Add Patient\n");
    printf("2. View Patients\n");
    printf("3. Edit Patient\n");
    printf("4. Delete Patient\n");
    printf("5. Back to Main Menu\n");
    printf("Enter your choice: ");
    scanf("%d", &choice);

    switch (choice) {
        case 1: addPatient(); break;
        case 2: viewPatients(); break;
        case 3: editPatient(); break;
        case 4: deletePatient(); break;
        case 5: return;
        default: printf("Invalid choice!\n"); break;

6. Implement Doctor Management

Similarly, implement the Doctor Management section where you can add, view, edit, and delete doctors’ records.

void doctorManagement() {
    int choice;
    printf("\n--- Doctor Management ---\n");
    printf("1. Add Doctor\n");
    printf("2. View Doctors\n");
    printf("3. Edit Doctor\n");
    printf("4. Delete Doctor\n");
    printf("5. Back to Main Menu\n");
    printf("Enter your choice: ");
    scanf("%d", &choice);

    switch (choice) {
        case 1: addDoctor(); break;
        case 2: viewDoctors(); break;
        case 3: editDoctor(); break;
        case 4: deleteDoctor(); break;
        case 5: return;
        default: printf("Invalid choice!\n"); break;

void addDoctor() {
    printf("Enter Doctor ID: ");
    scanf("%d", &doctors[doctorCount].id);
    printf("Enter Doctor Name: ");
    scanf("%s", doctors[doctorCount].name);
    printf("Enter Specialty: ");
    scanf("%s", doctors[doctorCount].specialty);
    printf("Enter Experience (in years): ");
    scanf("%d", &doctors[doctorCount].experience);

    printf("Doctor added successfully!\n");

void viewDoctors() {
    for (int i = 0; i < doctorCount; i++) {
        printf("\nID: %d\n", doctors[i].id);
        printf("Name: %s\n", doctors[i].name);
        printf("Specialty: %s\n", doctors[i].specialty);
        printf("Experience: %d years\n", doctors[i].experience);

void editDoctor() {
    int id, found = -1;
    printf("Enter Doctor ID to edit: ");
    scanf("%d", &id);
    for (int i = 0; i < doctorCount; i++) {
        if (doctors[i].id == id) {
            found = i;
    if (found != -1) {
        printf("Enter new Name: ");
        scanf("%s", doctors[found].name);
        printf("Enter new Specialty: ");
        scanf("%s", doctors[found].specialty);
        printf("Enter new Experience (in years): ");
        scanf("%d", &doctors[found].experience);
        printf("Doctor updated successfully!\n");
    } else {
        printf("Doctor not found!\n");

void deleteDoctor() {
    int id, found = -1;
    printf("Enter Doctor ID to delete: ");
    scanf("%d", &id);
    for (int i = 0; i < doctorCount; i++) {
        if (doctors[i].id == id) {
            found = i;
    if (found != -1) {
        for (int i = found; i < doctorCount - 1; i++) {
            doctors[i] = doctors[i + 1];
        printf("Doctor deleted successfully!\n");
    } else {
        printf("Doctor not found!\n");

7. Implement Appointment Scheduling

In this section, users can schedule, view, or cancel appointments.

void appointmentScheduling() {
    int choice;
    printf("\n--- Appointment Scheduling ---\n");
    printf("1. Schedule Appointment\n");
    printf("2. View Appointments\n");
    printf("3. Cancel Appointment\n");
    printf("4. Back to Main Menu\n");
    printf("Enter your choice: ");
    scanf("%d", &choice);

    switch (choice) {
        case 1: scheduleAppointment(); break;
        case 2: viewAppointments(); break;
        case 3: cancelAppointment(); break;
        case 4: return;
        default: printf("Invalid choice!\n"); break;

void scheduleAppointment() {
    printf("Enter Appointment ID: ");
    scanf("%d", &appointments[appointmentCount].id);
    printf("Enter Patient ID: ");
    scanf("%d", &appointments[appointmentCount].patientId);
    printf("Enter Doctor ID: ");
    scanf("%d", &appointments[appointmentCount].doctorId);
    printf("Enter Date (DD/MM/YYYY): ");
    scanf("%s", appointments[appointmentCount].date);

    printf("Appointment scheduled successfully!\n");

void viewAppointments() {
    for (int i = 0; i < appointmentCount; i++) {
        printf("\nAppointment ID: %d\n", appointments[i].id);
        printf("Patient ID: %d\n", appointments[i].patientId);
        printf("Doctor ID: %d\n", appointments[i].doctorId);
        printf("Date: %s\n", appointments[i].date);

void cancelAppointment() {
    int id, found = -1;
    printf("Enter Appointment ID to cancel: ");
    scanf("%d", &id);
    for (int i = 0; i < appointmentCount; i++) {
        if (appointments[i].id == id) {
            found = i;
    if (found != -1) {
        for (int i = found; i < appointmentCount - 1; i++) {
            appointments[i] = appointments[i + 1];
        printf("Appointment canceled successfully!\n");
    } else {
        printf("Appointment not found!\n");

8. Implement Billing System

The Billing section allows the user to generate and view bills for patients.

void billingSystem() {
    int choice;
    printf("\n--- Billing System ---\n");
    printf("1. Generate Bill\n");
    printf("2. View Bills\n");
    printf("3. Back to Main Menu\n");
    printf("Enter your choice: ");
    scanf("%d", &choice);

    switch (choice) {
        case 1: generateBill(); break;
        case 2: viewBills(); break;
        case 3: return;
        default: printf("Invalid choice!\n"); break;

void generateBill() {
    int patientId, found = -1;
    float consultationFee, treatmentCharges, totalAmount;
    printf("Enter Patient ID for billing: ");
    scanf("%d", &patientId);
    for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++) {
        if (patients[i].id == patientId) {
            found = i;
    if (found != -1) {
        printf("Enter Consultation Fee: ");
        scanf("%f", &consultationFee);
        printf("Enter Treatment Charges: ");
        scanf("%f", &treatmentCharges);

        totalAmount = consultationFee + treatmentCharges;
        printf("\n--- Bill Details ---\n");
        printf("Patient ID: %d\n", patients[found].id);
        printf("Patient Name: %s\n", patients[found].name);
        printf("Consultation Fee: %.2f\n", consultationFee);
        printf("Treatment Charges: %.2f\n", treatmentCharges);
        printf("Total Amount: %.2f\n", totalAmount);
    } else {
        printf("Patient not found!\n");

void viewBills() {
    printf("Feature not implemented yet.\n");

9. Main Function

Your main() function will bring everything together. It will display the main menu and call the appropriate functions based on user input.

int main() {
    int choice;
    do {
        scanf("%d", &choice);

        switch (choice) {
            case 1: patientManagement(); break;
            case 2: doctorManagement(); break;
            case 3: appointmentScheduling(); break;
            case 4: billingSystem(); break;
            case 5: printf("Exiting...\n"); break;
            default: printf("Invalid choice!\n"); break;
    } while (choice != 5);

    return 0;

Compiling and Running the Program

  1. Compile the Program: After writing the code, save your file with a .c extension. Open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where your file is saved, and compile the code using a C compiler like GCC.
    gcc hospital_management_system.c -o hospital_management_system
  2. Run the Program: After successful compilation, run the executable file.
  3. Interact with the Program: Once the program is running, use the menu interface to navigate through different sections, manage patient and doctor records, schedule appointments, and handle billing.


Creating a Hospital Management System in C programming with an advanced menu interface is an excellent project to enhance your skills in C. This project covers various important aspects like handling user input, managing records, and structuring code efficiently. By following this guide, you can create a functional and user-friendly system that simulates a real-world application. Keep practicing and exploring to improve your coding abilities further!

That’s a wrap!

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Faraz 😊

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