How to Use OCR and Java to Build a Multilingual Text Extraction System

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By Faraz - Last Updated:

Learn how to build a multilingual text extraction system using OCR and Java. This guide covers the basics, provides real-life examples, and offers easy-to-follow steps.


The extraction of useful text data from unstructured documents or images has become very important in the present digital era for health, finance, and government industries.

However, extracting text data from multilingual documents could be time-consuming and prone to some errors if done manually.

Fortunately, Optical Character Recognition has been found as one chief medium to automate text extraction. Combined with programming languages like Java, this enables the development of entire frameworks backing very strong and effective text extraction systems.

With OCR and Java, it will be easy for the developers to build multilingual text extraction systems that can extract data from different document types, thereby opening up the whole world to valuable insight and process effectiveness.

In this article, we'll explore the world of OCR and Java by looking at the steps and approaches necessary for a multilingual text extraction system. We will take up the very basics of OCR, programming in Java, and multilingual text extraction, thereby fully guiding any developer or technologist who wants to use OCR and Java for text extraction tasks.

Magic of OCR

Think of OCR technology as having a super pair of eyes.

It looks at printed or handwritten text contained in images and finishes this process by changing it into editable, searchable data.

Now, imagine having a magic wand that would transform any text on paper into digital format with just a wave of your hand.

That's basically what OCR is.

This technology is incredibly useful for converting an image to text in various fields, from digitizing historical documents to automating data entry in businesses.

Why Java?

Java is a very powerful, general-purpose programming language. In some ways, you could think of it as the Swiss Army knife for a developer.

Java has widespread appeal due to its portability, robustness, and ease of use, making it extremely popular for complicated applications.

Its enormous inventory of tools and frameworks demonstrated it very well for our multilingual text extraction system.

Getting Sarted: Setting up your Environment

First of all, we need to set up our environment, and this is what you will need:

  • Java development kit: Ensure you have installed the latest version from their website.
  • Integrate development environment: Either IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse can be used with no problem.
  • Tesseract OCR: This is an open, free OCR engine into which we'll be passing the image for text recognition.
  • Language data files: These are files that help Tesseract to recognize different languages.

Step-by-step guide to building the system

  1. Setting up Tesseract OCR: Download and install Tesseract OCR from its official website. While installing Tesseract, add it to your system's PATH so that Tesseract commands can be run in your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Java project configuration: Create a new Java project unit in your IDE. Add the Tesseract OCR Library to your Project's build path. You can do this by downloading the Tesseract JAR file; then you can put it into the dependencies of your project.
  3. The OCR Code Writing: Now comes the fun part—writing the code. The following is just a very basic example to get you started:
    import net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract; 
    import net.sourceforge.tess4j.TesseractException;
    public class OCRExample { 
      public static void main(String[] args) { 
         Tesseract tesseract = new Tesseract();               
          tesseract.setDatapath("tessdata"); // Path to your tessdata folder 
          try { 
                String text = tesseract.doOCR(new File("path/to/your/image.png"));
                System.out.println("Extracted Text: " + text); 
           } catch (TesseractException e) { 
    This is a simple snippet that sets up Tesseract, passing the path to a tessdata folder that looks for language data files. Then, it makes OCR on an image file and prints extracted text into the console.
  4. Multi-language checks: Originally, it was written to recognize text only in English. Handling more than one language makes it harder to get Tesseract to recognize them. You will have to include the languages you want to use. Add the following to the previous code:
    tesseract.setLanguage(“eng+fra+deu"); // English, French, and German
  5. Improving accuracy with preprocessing: However, the accuracy of OCR depends upon the extent of the quality of the images used as inputs. These preprocessing methods will enhance recognition accuracy in a pretty effective way. Here are some additional tips:
    • Image binarization: A simple and effective method of improving contrast is converting the image into black and white.
    • Noise removal: Clean the unnecessary noise or other kinds of artifacts from the image, which might have been added during a scanning procedure or due to its quality.
    • Deskewing: Rectify highly skewed or slanted text.

These are all preprocessing steps that can be done using image processing libraries like OpenCV before passing the image to Tesseract.

Real-life Application: Translating Old Manuscripts

Now, let me share something from my personal life that will elucidate the effects of such technology.

A couple of years ago, my grandfather asked me to look at a box full of old letters and documents in many different languages.

He wanted them preserved digitally as family heirlooms. Using the OCR system I developed, I could scan and extract text from these documents quite easily. This not only saved me hours of manual transcriptions but brought our family history to life in a manner that was previously unimaginable.

The Future of Multilingual OCR Systems

The capabilities of OCR systems grow month by month with the development of technology.

In the future, OCR may achieve better handling of complex scripts, better accuracy, and seamless integration with other AI technologies.

From digitizing libraries of ancient texts to business workflow automation—the possibilities are endless.


Designing an OCR-based multilingual text extraction system using Java will be an exciting and full-of-learning project.

Provided that you have the right tools and techniques, you will be in a position to develop a system that will let you extract and translate text from images with ease, opening up much more possibilities.

This technology is very instrumental in saving time and effort while guaranteeing accuracy if applied in family document preservation or business automation.

So, roll up your sleeves, fire up your IDE, and start building your multilingual text extraction system today. All is possible in this, and the rewards are enormous.

That’s a wrap!

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Faraz 😊

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