35+ Tailwind Pricing Table Examples

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By Faraz -

Explore over 35 examples of pricing tables designed with Tailwind CSS. Discover versatile layouts and styles to showcase your product or service pricing on your website effectively.


Table of Contents

  1. Pricing #1
  2. Pricing #2
  3. Pricing #3
  4. Pricing #4
  5. Pricing #5
  6. Pricing #6
  7. Pricing #7
  8. Pricing #8
  9. Pricing #9
  10. Pricing #10
  11. Pricing #11
  12. Pricing Table with Highlight Option
  13. Pricing Table with Compare Options
  14. Pricing Cards
  15. Tailwind Pricing Tables
  16. Lo-Fi Pricing Table - Tailwind CSS
  17. Whimsical - Pricing
  18. Tailwind Responsive Table
  19. Pricing Tabs - Tailwind CSS + Alpine.Js
  20. Pricing Simple
  21. Pricing Popular
  22. Pricing With Navigation
  23. Stripe Pricing
  24. Semi Transparent Pricing Cards
  25. Pricing Cards - with Features List
  26. Beautiful Pricing Cards Design (5-Cards Grid)
  27. Pricing Checkbox With Details
  28. Pricing Sections
  29. Pricing Page
  30. Pricing Checkbox
  31. Tailwind CSS Pricing
  32. Pricing Table With Tailwind CSS
  33. Plan Pricing Table
  34. Pricing Side By Side
  35. Pricing Tabs - Tailwind CSS
  36. Pricing Table With JS Toggle


Welcome to our guide featuring 35+ Tailwind Pricing Table Examples! Pricing tables are essential components for showcasing your product or service pricing plans, helping potential customers understand their options and make informed decisions. With Tailwind CSS, creating attractive and effective pricing tables is both efficient and customizable.

In this article, we'll explore a curated selection of 35+ pricing table examples built using Tailwind CSS. These examples showcase various styles, layouts, and functionalities for implementing pricing tables in your projects, whether you're offering simple single-tier pricing or complex multi-tiered plans with different features.

1. Pricing #1

pricing #1

Created by MambaUI, this responsive pricing table offers a clean and modern design, making it easy to showcase your pricing plans effectively.

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2. Pricing #2

pricing #2

Designed by MambaUI, this responsive pricing table provides a stylish layout, ideal for presenting different pricing tiers in a visually appealing way.

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3. Pricing #3

pricing #3

Developed by MambaUI, this responsive pricing table features a user-friendly design, helping customers easily compare and choose the best plan for their needs.

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4. Pricing #4

pricing #4

Created by MambaUI, this responsive pricing table is simple and elegant, perfect for highlighting the key features of your pricing plans.

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5. Pricing #5

pricing #5

Designed by MambaUI, this responsive pricing table offers a sleek and professional look, making your pricing information clear and attractive.

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6. Pricing #6

pricing #6

Developed by Kitwind, this responsive pricing table features a modern design, providing an organized way to display your pricing options.

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7. Pricing #7

pricing #7

Created by Kitwind, this responsive pricing table is stylish and functional, allowing customers to quickly compare different plans.

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8. Pricing #8

pricing #8

Designed by Kitwind, this responsive pricing table offers a clean and efficient layout, ideal for presenting your pricing tiers in a straightforward manner.

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9. Pricing #9

pricing #9

Developed by Kitwind, this responsive pricing table is visually appealing and easy to navigate, helping customers make informed decisions.

Source CodeClick here!

10. Pricing #10

pricing #10

Created by tailblocks.cc, this responsive pricing table provides a professional and organized design, making it easy to showcase your pricing plans clearly.

Source CodeClick here!

11. Pricing #11

pricing #11

Designed by tailblocks.cc, this responsive pricing table features a modern and clean layout, perfect for displaying your pricing options effectively.

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12. Pricing Table with Highlight Option

pricing table with highlight option

Developed by HyperUI, this responsive pricing table includes a highlight option, drawing attention to the most popular or recommended plan.

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13. Pricing Table with Compare Options

pricing table with compare options

Created by HyperUI, this responsive pricing table allows for easy comparison between plans, helping customers choose the best option for their needs.

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14. Pricing Cards

pricing cards

Designed by Tailus UI, these responsive pricing cards offer a stylish and compact way to present your pricing plans, making them easy to understand and compare.

CreatorTailus UI
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15. Tailwind Pricing Tables

tailwind pricing tables

Developed by tailgrids.com, these responsive pricing tables provide a variety of layout options, helping you display your pricing information in a clear and attractive way.

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16. Lo-Fi Pricing Table - Tailwind CSS

lo-fi pricing table - tailwind css

Created by Rob Stinson, this responsive pricing table features a minimalist design, focusing on simplicity and ease of use.

CreatorRob Stinson
Source CodeClick here!

17. Whimsical - Pricing

whimsical - pricing

Designed by Dzaky Widya Putra, this responsive pricing table offers a playful and unique design, making your pricing plans stand out.

CreatorDzaky Widya Putra
Source CodeClick here!

18. Tailwind Responsive Table

tailwind responsive table

Developed by AaronMcGuire, this responsive pricing table is practical and user-friendly, providing a straightforward way to present your pricing options.

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19. Pricing Tabs - Tailwind CSS + Alpine.Js

pricing tabs - tailwind css + alpine.js

Created by Cruip, this responsive pricing table uses Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js to offer interactive tabs, making it easy for users to navigate between different pricing options.

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20. Pricing Simple

pricing simple

Designed by MerakiUI, this responsive pricing table offers a straightforward and clean design, perfect for presenting your pricing plans in a simple and effective manner.

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pricing popular

Developed by MerakiUI, this responsive pricing table highlights the most popular plan, making it easy for users to identify and choose the best option.

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22. Pricing With Navigation

pricing with navigation

Created by MerakiUI, this responsive pricing table includes navigation features, allowing users to easily switch between different pricing tiers.

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23. Stripe Pricing

stripe pricing

Designed by SimonDepelchin, this responsive pricing table mimics the clean and professional look of Stripe's pricing layout, providing a familiar and trustworthy design.

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24. Semi Transparent Pricing Cards

semi transparent pricing cards

Developed by an anonymous creator, these responsive pricing cards feature a semi-transparent design, adding a modern and stylish touch to your pricing information.

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25. Pricing Cards - with Features List

pricing cards - with features list

Created by an anonymous designer, these responsive pricing cards include a detailed features list, making it easy for users to compare and understand what each plan offers.

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26. Beautiful Pricing Cards Design (5-Cards Grid)

beautiful pricing cards design (5-cards grid)

Designed by Liam Moore, this responsive 5-cards grid offers a visually appealing way to display multiple pricing plans, making it easy for users to compare options side-by-side.

CreatorLiam Moore
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27. Pricing Checkbox With Details

pricing checkbox with details

Developed by MerakiUI, this responsive pricing table includes checkboxes and detailed descriptions, providing a clear and interactive way for users to choose the best plan.

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28. Pricing Sections

pricing sections

Created by Karthik Ponnam, this pricing table offers various sections to display different pricing plans, though it is not responsive, it provides a comprehensive way to organize pricing information.

CreatorKarthik Ponnam
Source CodeClick here!

29. Pricing Page

pricing page

Designed by Kamona-WD, this responsive pricing page offers a complete layout for displaying your pricing plans, providing a cohesive and professional look.

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30. Pricing Checkbox

pricing checkbox

Developed by MerakiUI, this responsive pricing table includes checkboxes for users to select their preferred plan, offering an interactive and user-friendly experience.

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31. Tailwind CSS Pricing

tailwind css pricing

Created by Postsrc, this responsive pricing table features a modern and clean design, making it easy to showcase your pricing plans effectively.

Source CodeClick here!

32. Pricing Table With Tailwind CSS

pricing table with tailwind css

Designed by Travis Williamson, this responsive pricing table offers a sleek and organized layout, providing a clear presentation of your pricing options.

CreatorTravis Williamson
Source CodeClick here!

33. Plan Pricing Table

plan pricing table

Developed by masmerino13, this responsive pricing table is simple and effective, making it easy for users to compare different plans and choose the best one.

Source CodeClick here!

34. Pricing Side By Side

pricing side by side

Created by MerakiUI, this responsive pricing table displays plans side by side, offering a clear and easy way for users to compare features and prices.

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35. Pricing Tabs - Tailwind CSS

pricing tabs - tailwind css

Designed by Cruip, this responsive pricing table features interactive tabs, allowing users to switch between different pricing plans with ease.

Source CodeClick here!

36. Pricing Table With JS Toggle

pricing table with js toggle

Developed by JohnCodes, this responsive pricing table includes a JavaScript toggle, providing an interactive way for users to switch between different pricing options.

Source CodeClick here!


In conclusion, Tailwind CSS offers a powerful toolkit for creating pricing tables that clearly communicate your product or service options to potential customers. With the diverse range of examples provided in this guide, you have ample inspiration to design pricing tables that meet your specific needs and align with your brand's visual identity.

Feel free to explore the showcased examples and customize them to fit your project's requirements, branding guidelines, and design preferences. By leveraging Tailwind CSS, you can streamline the development process and create pricing tables that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and user-friendly. Start incorporating these examples into your projects today and elevate your website or application with compelling and effective pricing tables!

That’s a wrap!

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Faraz 😊

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