25 Tailwind CSS Pagination Component

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By Faraz -

Explore 25 examples of pagination components designed with Tailwind CSS. Discover versatile styles and functionalities to navigate through large sets of content in your web projects.


Table of Contents

  1. Simple Pagination
  2. Pagination
  3. Pagination #1
  4. Pagination #2
  5. Pagination #3
  6. Pagination Example
  7. Argon Pagination
  8. Tailwind CSS Bordered Pagination
  9. Pagination Buttons
  10. Pagination Background With Input
  11. Tailwind CSS Pagination With Icons
  12. Pagination with Input
  13. Next Prev Button
  14. Tailwind CSS Pagination Component
  15. Pagination with Fraction
  16. Lexicon Pagination Bar
  17. Lexicon Simple Pagination
  18. Pagination With Circle Buttons
  19. Pagination with Rounded Buttons
  20. Pagination with Icons
  21. Table Data Pagination
  22. Table Data Pagination with Icons
  23. Pagination Group
  24. Circular Pagination
  25. Pagination with Gradient


Welcome to our guide featuring 25 Tailwind CSS Pagination Component Examples! Pagination components are essential for dividing content into manageable pages and improving navigation and user experience on websites with large amounts of data. With Tailwind CSS, designing stylish and functional pagination components is both efficient and customizable.

In this article, we'll explore a curated selection of 25 pagination component examples built using Tailwind CSS. These examples demonstrate various styles, layouts, and functionalities for implementing pagination in your projects, whether you're creating simple numbered pagination, pagination with next/previous buttons, or more complex pagination with additional features.

1. Simple Pagination

simple pagination

Created by Khatabwedaa, this pagination component offers a basic, straightforward design. It is fully responsive, ensuring compatibility across different devices.

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2. Pagination


Developed by Zoltanszogyenyi, this pagination example provides a standard pagination interface. It is responsive, adapting to various screen sizes for optimal user experience.

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3. Pagination #1

pagination #1

Crafted by mambaui.com, this pagination component offers a simple yet effective pagination style. It is fully responsive, ensuring seamless navigation on any device.

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4. Pagination #2

pagination #2

Created by mambaui.com, this pagination example provides an alternative style for pagination. It is responsive, adapting to different screen sizes for consistent usability.

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5. Pagination #3

pagination #3

Developed by mambaui.com, this pagination component offers another variation of pagination style. It is fully responsive, providing clear navigation options on various devices.

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6. Pagination Example

pagination example

Crafted by Haynajjar, this pagination component demonstrates a practical pagination design. It is fully responsive, ensuring ease of use across different screen resolutions.

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7. Argon Pagination

argon pagination

Created by tailwindtemplates.io, this pagination component features a design inspired by the Argon theme. It is responsive, offering a visually appealing pagination experience on any device.

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8. Tailwind CSS Bordered Pagination

tailwind css bordered pagination

Developed by postsrc.com, this pagination example showcases pagination with bordered buttons. It is responsive, providing clear navigation options for users.

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9. Pagination Buttons

pagination buttons

Created by TonyCampa, this pagination component focuses on button-style navigation. It is fully responsive, facilitating easy page navigation on any device.

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10. Pagination Background with Input

pagination background with input

Crafted by hyperui.dev, this pagination example includes input fields within the pagination interface. It is responsive, offering convenient page input options.

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11. Tailwind CSS Pagination with Icons

tailwind css pagination with icons

Developed by postsrc.com, this pagination component incorporates icons for navigation. It is responsive, providing intuitive page navigation with visual cues.

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12. Pagination with Input

pagination with input

Created by hyperui.dev, this pagination example features input fields alongside pagination buttons. It is fully responsive, offering flexible page navigation options.

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13. Next Prev Button

next prev button

Crafted by Chandrama Singh, this pagination component emphasizes next and previous buttons for navigation. It is responsive, facilitating straightforward page navigation.

Creator Chandrama Singh
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14. Tailwind CSS Pagination Component

tailwind css pagination component

Developed by Harrishash, this pagination example showcases a customizable pagination component. It is responsive, ensuring seamless integration with different layouts.

Creator Harrishash
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15. Pagination with Fraction

pagination with fraction

Created by hyperui.dev, this pagination component displays page numbers in fraction format. It is fully responsive, offering clear page numbering for users.

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16. Lexicon Pagination Bar

lexicon pagination bar

Crafted by tailwindtemplates.io, this pagination component features a design inspired by the Lexicon theme. It is responsive, providing a cohesive pagination experience with Lexicon styling.

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17. Lexicon Simple Pagination

lexicon simple pagination

Developed by tailwindtemplates.io, this pagination example offers a simplified version of Lexicon-themed pagination. It is responsive, offering clear and concise page navigation.

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18. Pagination With Circle Buttons

pagination with circle buttons

Created by hyperui.dev, this pagination component utilizes circular buttons for navigation. It is fully responsive, offering a visually distinct pagination style.

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19. Pagination with Rounded Buttons

pagination with rounded buttons

Crafted by hyperui.dev, this pagination example features rounded buttons for navigation. It is responsive, providing an aesthetically pleasing pagination interface.

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20. Pagination with Icons

pagination with icons

Developed by merakiui.com, this pagination component incorporates icons alongside page numbers. It is responsive, offering intuitive navigation with visual cues.

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21. Table Data Pagination

table data pagination

Created by flowbite.com, this pagination example is specifically designed for paginating table data. It is fully responsive, facilitating organized data navigation on any device.

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22. Table Data Pagination with Icons

table data pagination with icons

Developed by flowbite.com, this pagination component for table data navigation includes icons for enhanced user interaction. It is responsive, ensuring intuitive data browsing.

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23. Pagination Group

pagination group

Crafted by Material Tailwind, this pagination component offers a group-style pagination interface. It is fully responsive, providing organized page navigation options.

CreatorMaterial Tailwind
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24. Circular Pagination

circular pagination

Created by Material Tailwind, this pagination example features circular pagination buttons. It is responsive, offering a unique and visually appealing pagination style.

CreatorMaterial Tailwind
Source CodeClick here!

25. Pagination with Gradient

pagination with gradient

Developed by Material Tailwind, this pagination component showcases pagination buttons with gradient backgrounds. It is fully responsive, adding visual interest to the pagination interface.

CreatorMaterial Tailwind
Source CodeClick here!


In conclusion, Tailwind CSS provides a versatile toolkit for creating pagination components that enhance the navigation and usability of your website. With the diverse range of pagination component examples provided in this guide, you have ample inspiration to design pagination that fits seamlessly into your project's design and functionality.

Feel free to explore the showcased examples and customize them to fit your project's specific requirements, branding guidelines, and design preferences. By leveraging Tailwind CSS, you can streamline the development process and create pagination components that improve user experience and make it easier for users to navigate through your content. Start incorporating these examples into your projects today and elevate your website's pagination with Tailwind CSS!

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Faraz 😊

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