Complete Browser Shortcut Keys for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge

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By Faraz -

Save time and become a browsing pro with top-notch keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Elevate your productivity with our comprehensive guide.

Complete Browser Shortcut Keys for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.jpg

Navigating the web efficiently is a crucial aspect of our daily online activities. While the mouse is a handy tool, mastering browser shortcut keys can significantly enhance your browsing experience. In this article, we'll explore the complete list of shortcut keys for three major browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

Table of Contents

  1. General Navigation
  2. Page Navigation
  3. Address Bar
  4. Zooming In/Out
  5. Page Actions
  6. Developer Tools
  7. Text Manipulation
  8. Tab Management
  9. Windows Management
  10. History and Bookmarks
  11. Find on Page
  12. Media Controls
  13. Page Scrolling
  14. Text Search in Page
  15. Cursor Movement
  16. Windows Taskbar Interaction
  17. Browser Specific
  18. Miscellaneous
  19. Conclusion
  20. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
ActionGoogle ChromeMozilla FirefoxMicrosoft Edge

General Navigation

Open a new tabCtrl + TCtrl + TCtrl + T
Close current tabCtrl + W / Ctrl + F4Ctrl + W / Ctrl + F4Ctrl + W / Ctrl + F4
Reopen last closed tabCtrl + Shift + TCtrl + Shift + TCtrl + Shift + T
Switch between tabsCtrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + TabCtrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + TabCtrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Open a new windowCtrl + NCtrl + NCtrl + N
Open a new incognito windowCtrl + Shift + NCtrl + Shift + PCtrl + Shift + N
View SourceCtrl + UCtrl + UCtrl + U
Open the Task ManagerShift + EscShift + EscShift + Esc
Refresh the pageF5 / Ctrl + RF5 / Ctrl + RF5 / Ctrl + R
Stop loading the pageEscEscEsc
Go back in page historyAlt + Left Arrow / BackspaceAlt + Left Arrow / BackspaceAlt + Left Arrow / Backspace
Go forward in page historyAlt + Right ArrowAlt + Right ArrowAlt + Right Arrow
Go to the home pageAlt + HomeAlt + HomeAlt + Home

Address Bar

Select the address barAlt + DAlt + DAlt + D
Open the address barCtrl + L / F6Ctrl + L / F6Ctrl + L / F6
Add "www." and ".com" to the text in address barCtrl + EnterCtrl + EnterCtrl + Enter
Open address bar suggestionsCtrl + Down ArrowCtrl + Down ArrowCtrl + Down Arrow
Delete browsing historyCtrl + Shift + DeleteCtrl + Shift + DeleteCtrl + Shift + Delete
Open the previous page in the address bar historyBackspaceBackspaceBackspace
Open the next page in the address bar historyShift + BackspaceShift + BackspaceShift + Backspace

Zooming In/Out

Zoom inCtrl + + / Ctrl + Mouse Scroll UpCtrl + + / Ctrl + Mouse Scroll UpCtrl + + / Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Up
Zoom outCtrl + - / Ctrl + Mouse Scroll DownCtrl + - / Ctrl + Mouse Scroll DownCtrl + - / Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Down
Reset zoomCtrl + 0Ctrl + 0Ctrl + 0

Page Actions

Open a local file in the browserCtrl + OCtrl + OCtrl + O
Save the current pageCtrl + SCtrl + SCtrl + S
Open the downloads pageCtrl + JCtrl + JCtrl + J
Print the current pageCtrl + PCtrl + PCtrl + P
Find on pageCtrl + FCtrl + FCtrl + F

Developer Tools

Open Developer ToolsCtrl + Shift + I / F12Ctrl + Shift + I / F12Ctrl + Shift + I / F12
Toggle Inspect ElementCtrl + Shift + CCtrl + Shift + CCtrl + Shift + C
Toggle ConsoleCtrl + `Ctrl + `Ctrl + `

Text Manipulation

Select the address bar textCtrl + LCtrl + LCtrl + L
Select all text on the pageCtrl + ACtrl + ACtrl + A
Copy selected textCtrl + CCtrl + CCtrl + C
Paste copied textCtrl + VCtrl + VCtrl + V
Cut selected textCtrl + XCtrl + XCtrl + X
UndoCtrl + ZCtrl + ZCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + YCtrl + Y / Ctrl + Shift + ZCtrl + Y / Ctrl + Shift + Z

Tab Management

Open link in a new tabCtrl + ClickCtrl + ClickCtrl + Click
Open link in a new background tabCtrl + Shift + ClickCtrl + Shift + ClickCtrl + Shift + Click
Switch to a specific tabCtrl + 1 to Ctrl + 8Ctrl + 1 to Ctrl + 8Ctrl + 1 to Ctrl + 8
Switch to the last tabCtrl + 9Ctrl + 9Ctrl + 9
Move to the next tabCtrl + Page Down / Ctrl + TabCtrl + Page Down / Ctrl + TabCtrl + Page Down / Ctrl + Tab
Move to the previous tabCtrl + Page Up / Ctrl + Shift + TabCtrl + Page Up / Ctrl + Shift + TabCtrl + Page Up / Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Windows Management

Minimize the current windowAlt + Space, NAlt + Space, NAlt + Space, N
Maximize the current windowAlt + Space, XAlt + Space, XAlt + Space, X
Restore the current windowAlt + Space, RAlt + Space, RAlt + Space, R
Close the current windowAlt + F4Alt + F4Alt + F4

History and Bookmarks

Open History pageCtrl + HCtrl + HCtrl + H
Bookmark the current pageCtrl + DCtrl + DCtrl + D
Open the Bookmarks ManagerCtrl + Shift + BCtrl + Shift + BCtrl + Shift + B

Find on Page

Find on pageCtrl + FCtrl + FCtrl + F
Find nextCtrl + G / F3Ctrl + G / F3Ctrl + G / F3
Find previousCtrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3

Media Controls

Play or pause a videoSpaceSpaceSpace
Mute or unmute a videoMMM

Page Scrolling

Scroll down a full pageSpaceSpaceSpace
Scroll up a full pageShift + SpaceShift + SpaceShift + Space
Scroll down one screenPage DownPage DownPage Down
Scroll up one screenPage UpPage UpPage Up

Text Search in Page

Quick find within the page (type to search)/ (forward slash)/ (forward slash)/ (forward slash)
Find next matchEnterEnterEnter
Find previous matchShift + EnterShift + EnterShift + Enter

Cursor Movement

Move cursor to the beginning of the lineHomeHomeHome
Move cursor to the end of the lineEndEndEnd
Move cursor one word to the leftCtrl + Left Arrow / Ctrl + BackspaceCtrl + Left Arrow / Ctrl + BackspaceCtrl + Left Arrow / Ctrl + Backspace
Move cursor one word to the rightCtrl + Right Arrow / Ctrl + DeleteCtrl + Right Arrow / Ctrl + DeleteCtrl + Right Arrow / Ctrl + Delete

Windows Taskbar Interaction

Cycle through taskbar buttonsWin + TWin + TWin + T
Open Jump List for the current programShift + Right Click on Taskbar IconShift + Right Click on Taskbar IconShift + Right Click on Taskbar Icon
Open new instance of the current programShift + Click on Taskbar IconShift + Click on Taskbar IconShift + Click on Taskbar Icon

Browser Specific

Open Chrome's Task ManagerShift + EscN/AN/A
Toggle Reader ModeF9F9F9
Open the SidebarCtrl + HCtrl + BCtrl + B


Full-screen modeF11F11F11
Toggle bookmarks barCtrl + Shift + BCtrl + Shift + BCtrl + Shift + B
Open browser settingsCtrl + ,Ctrl + ,Ctrl + ,


By using these browser shortcut keys for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge, you can save time and make your online experience much smoother. Start practicing these shortcuts today to enhance your productivity and become a more efficient browser.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Are browser shortcuts the same on all operating systems?

Browser shortcuts may vary slightly across operating systems, but the basic functionalities remain consistent.

Q2. Can I create my own custom shortcuts?

Most browsers allow some degree of customization, enabling users to create or modify certain shortcuts.

Q3. What should I do if a shortcut is not working?

Check for conflicting shortcuts in browser extensions and ensure there are no system-level conflicts.

Q4. Are there any shortcuts specifically for developers?

Yes, some browsers offer developer-specific shortcuts for tasks like inspecting elements and opening developer tools.

Q5. How often are shortcut keys updated?

Shortcut keys may be updated with browser versions, so it's advisable to stay informed about updates from browser developers.

That’s a wrap!

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Faraz 😊

End of the article

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